irst of all, I want to talk about Elon, the wonderful. I believe Mr. Musk did a magnificent job in …
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I don't consider myself ugly and while my social status is not elegant, it is acceptable. I think the issue …
I don't vote for criminals or gangsters. These candidates all committed crimes or assisted mafia gangs when they were in …
۳ billion USD is lost in Iran. This is about neither bank robbery nor money laundering. It is an unprecedented …
Just finished watching the Before trilogy and came here to share with you my opinions about this philosophical romance. please leave …
Can you still use the same content strategy for the upcoming year? Absolutely, not. People steadily talk about Ai, Metaverse, …
Today we are going to conduct a little experiment to examine the potential of Ai services to create a few …
Almost 25 days. An unprecedented uprising has been sparked in Iran after the killing of Mahsa Amini under the brutal …
On a trip from Kurdistan to Tehran with her brother, Zhina (Mahsa) Amini was first arrested and then murdered by …
Vincent Van Gogh, a Dutch painter who committed suicide was among the greatest artists ever. Let's say he had access …
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